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How do we handle an AC interference complaint?
This project consisted of a wind farm interconnection transmission line whose route partially paralleled an existing gas pipeline. Our client wanted to assess the extent of AC interference issues due only to their new 115 kV line, as well as the effects of existing 230 kV and 500 kV transmission lines, in order to determine the additional effects of their line on the pipeline.
A model was built using the CDEGS HIFREQ module, and created in a way that allowed for expeditious examination of the immediate concerns, but also allowed for expansion to a more complex model if further
analysis was required.
The base model was assessed for steady-state touch potential and AC corrosion, as well as touch voltage and coating stress during fault conditions. Mitigation measures and “what-if” scenarios were also explored using the base model.
The results indicated that the new 115 kV line had a marginal impact on the pipeline in comparison to the effects of the existing transmission lines; furthermore, the marginal effects did not cause any thresholds to be exceeded when all lines were in operation.
The results indicated that the new 115 kV line did have an impact on the pipeline, but it was marginal in comparison to the effects of the existing transmission lines; furthermore, the marginal effects did not cause any thresholds to be exceeded when all lines were in operation.
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