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Does this sound like you?
Have you ever gone out to survey your pipeline and realized that there are HVAC lines that are going to present an issue you didn’t previously plan on? Have you ever gone to build a new transmission line and realized that your new line might cause interference in a shared right of way? The worst part is you have no information on the other side. So you evaluate your options. As the electric utility, you might not want to get involved with the pipeline if you don’t have to. As the pipeline, you might think you can just add AC mitigation and call it a day. But what if the HVAC lines in fact cause no issues?
Now you have wasted hundreds of thousands of dollars on mitigation that is not doing anything for you.
The other choice is a full blown study, causing schedule delays, creating hassle with another entity, and still costing a pretty penny. What we want to provide is something in between.
Welcome to the blind risk assessment. Gather the little information you already have on hand. Take your known entities and model it fast and cheap. Then take the unknowns and provide a range of inputs. At the end, you can have significantly more information to make a determination on. The best part? If that determination is that you need to do a full study, we already have a portion of the system modeled and can utilize that to create the full study, losing you no money on a full blown study.
If not, then you may have saved your company thousands of dollars for full blown study or unnecessary mitigation.
What is a blind risk assessment?
A blind risk assessment is an AC interference analysis that uses a range of various values to determine the behavior of a pipeline under a range of values. Typically, the various values are assumptions, hence the term “blind”. The behavior of the pipeline under a range of different scenarios may be able to paint a better picture of the pipeline’s risk to various problems like AC corrosion, personnel shock, or coating damage.
A blind risk assessment may be used for a variety of reasons. It may be used to determine if a full, detailed model of the pipeline is warranted. It also may be used if electric utility information is not readily available or cannot be provided due to security concerns, etc. Furthermore, it can be used to make decisions with risk reduction by stakeholders.
What are the benefits of a blind risk assessment?
Can be relatively inexpensive compared to a full blown study
Can customize what you want to have included or examined within your budget.
When utility information isn’t available or may not be pursued yet, this can give the owner an idea of where the issues may be or what may cause an issue.
Could be used as a report going forward, not just a deterministic report.
The study will not give you “the answer” but rather a range of possible outcomes.
Pipeline Steady-State Touch Voltages (Found in example Assessment)
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